Mapillai Samba Rice, also known as the “Bridegroom’s Rice,” is a traditional Tamil Nadu variety known for its energy-boosting properties and earthy taste. This heirloom grain is a treasure trove of nutrients.
Health Benefits:
• Rich in Iron: Enhances hemoglobin levels and combats fatigue.
• High Fiber: Promotes gut health and supports a healthy digestive system.
• Strengthens Immunity: Contains essential minerals that boost overall health.
• Low GI: Suitable for diabetics and weight management.
Whom It Benefits:
• Growing children and athletes needing energy-rich food.
• Individuals aiming to build stamina and strength.
• Diabetics and those managing cholesterol levels.
How to Use: Cook it like regular rice for main dishes, or prepare idli, dosa, or porridge for a nutrient-rich meal.
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